Monday, March 2, 2009

Walking in glitter

One day not long ago I was striding through the parking lot of my workplace on my way in to work.  A banal moment, non?  A landscape of metal and rubber and concrete, a mindset of preparation for the day.  But it was snowing, one of those light little snowfalls where the cloud hasn't really made up its mind whether it wants to let it all loose or not.  There was also a bit of sun, and the beams were catching these few, gradually drifting snowflakes in just such a way that they sparkled brilliant silver as they floated down.  It was magical.  I stopped dead and just wondered at the beauty of it, certain that if I looked up I would see a giant young child gleefully letting down little bits of glitter at a time on its play world.

What a way to magic up a grey moment.

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