Thursday, March 26, 2009

Amazing sunrise

Yesterday I was lying in bed listening to the clock radio when the local host mentioned what an beautiful sunrise it was.  Well!  At that, I had to bolt out of bed and dash to the window, and was I ever glad I did.  I cannot do justice to its beauty with my meager words; there are those who have rhapsodized far more articulately than I concerning the stunning colours and cloud formations of a truly rip-snorting sunrise or sunset.  (I did think the host's use of "blue cotton candy" was pretty apt, however.)  So of course I had to race outside with my camera -- sorry if you live near me and were startled by an apparition in a fuzzy red bathrobe in the street before 7 a.m.!  And of course I next had to race upstairs and wake my two children to see it.

Life's wonders are worth getting up early for.  What a great way to start a day.

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