Sunday, February 22, 2009


There have been many times in my life, when upon commenting on one friend or another's tendency to dwell on the negative side of life, I have received the response, "Well, life is full of deceit, unhappiness, unfairness and pain.  That's what life's all about."  As if that's all there is to it.

I find this unspeakably tragic.  How can people so easily swallow the media-induced belief that life is nothing but these negatives?  How can so many completely ignore the fact that love, beauty, kindness, courtesy are also "what life is about"?  I am not closing my eyes to the sad truths of human existence, but I believe there is another side to the coin.  Thus the purpose of this blog.  I plan to write of my encounters with life's small, everyday beauties, with dual hopes.  One is that doing so will stir the positive energies in my own little world and remind me of its constant magic.  The second is that maybe, just maybe, if people stumble upon this blog it may send ripples out into the world that are also positive.  If you do so, feel free to join me.  

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