Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Wrong weather

Snow is forecast, warned my husband.  I pooh-poohed the very idea:  it's a week into April, after all!  If it does snow, I blithely supposed, it will only be raindrops temporarily converted which will turn back into nothing but water once they hit the ground.

So imagine my disgruntlement when I awoke this morning to a world of white, yet again.  Not just lawns, but sidewalks, streets, rooftops...  I could hear the collective groan of consternation and disgust throughout the whole region as we all dragged back out the scarves, the hats, the boots and winter coats we had happily consigned to back basement shelves.

But.  Yes, but.  As I walked to my workplace I couldn't help but wonder at the delicate white tracings on the sides of trees, at the gently falling snow muting the morning's street noise ... and I had to admit grudgingly, yes, snow is enchanting.  Even in April. 

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