Friday, April 24, 2009


A quickie.  (Can it really be that I've gone 8 days without finding something beautiful??  Attribute that perhaps to being sick.)

Ever have a dream that not only stays with you, it takes on an importance in your groggy first-woken mind that tells you it's significant?  In that fuzzy neverland where we know more than we think we do, we see a truth that we were either unaware of or ignoring.  I had one of those last night (and no, I don't plan to bare it).  Whether the significance I give to it is real or in my imagination, the very fact that I give it that significance means that the situation is important to me.  Which is all that counts, after all.

Gotta love it when your mind finds a roundabout way to tell you something you think you might not want to hear.

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